The Business Side of Writing

Posted on September 15, 2012. Filed under: storytelling, writing | Tags: , , , |

I struggle with juggling making money and having a writing career. I guess the fact that it is not much of a career is really why it requires so much juggling. Every now and then I get paid $75, $100, even $200 once, for a commentary or for a storytelling gig or one day maybe for a “published” work, but you can’t live on every now and then.

I decided to start teaching storytelling because, as part of the workshopping we do before all our shows I am already teaching, partly because I think a lot of people would like to learn how to write and perform a true, personal story, and partly because I want to make some money!

I have a day job. I can support myself with my career, my “real” career, but that is not my dream. I’d like to earn money as a writer. I want that to be my real career. Teaching isn’t exactly the same as selling my novel, but it is a bit closer to where I want to be, and if I am making money helping other writers learn the craft, then at least writing will be a part of my day job, not just my daydreams.

Our first storytelling workshop is on October 13th. Hope to see you there. I could use the money!

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